Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The {21} Challenge - Day {4}

You know the part in one of the Indiana Jones movies when Indy is trapped in a pit and discovers that it is filled with his biggest fear?  "Snakes.  Why did it have to be snakes?"  Mine is modified a bit.

Snacks.  Why did it have to be snacks?

My workplace has one day a month when people generally bring in food to snack on during the day.  There's a big spread set up in one of the conference rooms and people come in and out, grazing at will.  Today is the day and, while I have been able to steer clear of the room, I've still heard/seen enough to tempt me.  Tina's taco dip, Connie's turtle pie.......but I'm staying strong.  I can doooo eet!

I am encouraged by the fact that I noticed a tiny difference in the mirror this morning.  After only four days it's likely that it's water weight versus any actual weight loss, but it still helps to see the little changes that have begun. 

Treadmill 'ho!

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