Friday, October 1, 2010

30 Days of Me - Day 22

"What makes you different from everyone else"

Hmmmm......  I'm tempted to say that it must be the specific combination of DNA and my life experiences that has meshed into the pile of biological goo that is moi, but I suspect that it is not quite what the originator of this exercise intended.  I shall, instead, attempt to give a more thoughtful answer.

I am different from everyone else (or at least 90% of the population) because:

* I love me some zombie movies, the cheesier the better
* I could spend a year alone on a desert island so long as I had an unlimited supply of books
* I love to buy scrapbook supplies but hate to use them (I'm afraid I'll screw it up!)
* I am more artistic in my head than I can get to come out of my hands
* I would prefer to stay at home than do almost anything else
* Shad and I actually like each other and want to spend time together

Okay, so none of that is truly unique, but it's what I could come up with for right now. 

Catch ya later!

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