Saturday, October 16, 2010

When It's Time For Change....'ve got to rearrange....

Great.  That song popped into my head and now I'm pretty sure it will be there for the rest of the night.  Anyone else remember this little ditty from the Brady Bunch?  It's the episode where the kids are recording an album and Peter's voice is changing so his voice is all cracking and stuff.  Come on people!

Anyway, we are getting to rearrange some stuff.  Obviously it's not spring cleaning so it must be fall purging.  I've got the trunk of the car loaded with clothes and other items to donate to the GW Boutique and still more boxes to be packed with treasures to give away.  The house just feels full and I'm pretty sure if I try to spend winter in a fulled-up house I'll go stir crazy.

Step one is going to be to take several sections out of our sectional and make it more like a traditional three-cushion couch and move in the fabu chair that we saved from the curbside.  We're still on the hunt for another thrifted easy chair/recliner to fill out the room.  It will also be an excellent time to get the windows caulked (there's an awful draft when the wind is a blowin' and the wind is always blowin') and cleaned and to hit the couch and the carpet with the steam cleaner.  Who knows, maybe I'll even wash down the woodwork while I'm at it.......

Step two - well, I'm not 100% sure what Step two will be.  Let's get through Step one first, okay?

I'm still working on my afghans and trying to get the craft room in shape.  The kids have threatened to turn me into the Hoarders shows if I don't get the supplies under control.  It's not hoarding if I know where everything is, is it?

I'm pleased to announce that I've figured out how to add buttons for other people's blogs so you can see some of my favorite ones.  I just feel so accomplished every time I figure out how to do something new on here.  Am I a blog rockstar?  Well, not yet, but I'm at least playing medium-sized venues now....

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