Friday, October 1, 2010

Hit and Miss

Bless me readers, for I have sinned.  It has been ten days since my last post.  Since my last post I've done a little of something, some of nothing and a lot of stuff inbetween.  I shall attempt to fill you in on the details.

Most of my crafty energies have been devoted to the two afghans that I am crocheting.  I'd show you pictures, but since I intend one or both of them (depending on how they turn out) to be used as Christmas gifts for people who may or may not read this blog they shall just have to remain unpublished.  I'm really quite pleased with how they are turning out.  I find that I enjoy crocheting quite a lot - it's much more portable than some of the other crafts that I'm into so I can sit in the livingroom with the family and do it instead of squirreling myself away in the craft room.

Much to my dismay, we've started the process of car shopping.  I'm not a girl that likes a lot of change.  Given my druthers, I would keep the same cell phone, the same cars, the same electronics, etc. forever just to avoid having to get accustomed to new ones.  Car shopping - and dealing with car-related issues in general - puts me in a wretched state of mind.  In fact, one of our famous "family" stories involves the time that I called the owner of a local dealership a "used car salesman" and royally p*ssed him off.  There's a guy who can't take the truth. After all, there were pre-owned cars on his lot, he was hoping to sell them, ergo he was in fact a used car salesman.  He was actually lucky that my mama raised me to be a lady and that was as deep as I got with my comments on his veracity and character......

I'm still having issues with trying to balance getting housework done versus my strong need to spend as much time on the motorcycle as possible.  It will probably get easier once the weather turns really cold and riding is no longer an option, right?  I'm sure that I'll turn right into Ms. Susie Homemaker, cooking, cleaning and organizing from dawn to dusk.  (Luckily the days get much shorter in the winter!)

Shad and I took a road trip to Chicago last weekend that ended up being what can only be described as a perfect day.  So perfect, in fact, that it deserves (and shall receive) it's own post.  Until then, adieu!

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