Sunday, October 24, 2010

New Project - One A Day

I have decided to start a little somethin' somethin' here.  The plan is to post at least one picture per day so that I get in the habit of using my camera a little more.  This project is more-than-loosely based on the 365 project (which I actually signed up for before I thought about it - I'm sure I won't be getting emails forever for that little misstep!) but, as we are all well aware by now, I'm not necessarily good at the "post each and every day" thing.  I figure that since it's my project I get to make the rules.  For right now, the rules are thus:
  1. I shall take a picture every day.
  2. Said picture shall be of whatever the heck I want it to be of, okay?
  3. I shall post the picture in my blog as "One A Day - (date)" and on my flickr account.
  4. I shall post the picture as soon as I can to the date that the picture was taken.
  5. I shall provide a brief (or not so brief!) explanation of the picture.
  6. I retain the ability, as producer of the project, to make/change rules as I go along.
Just so you know, Rule 7 should probably be "Susan gets to start the project whenever she wants" and, since I took a really cool picture yesterday that I didn't post, I'm going to start with "October 23."

(Anyone else notice that I'm already working on my "40 Things" list?)

It's good to be queen!

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