Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hey! 101!

I thought I should throw in a non-project type blog since it's been a while.  Hmmmm.....what to discuss......

I find that people get really discombobulated if you admit when you make a mistake.  This afternoon I got a phone call at work and could tell immediately that the caller was highly P.O.'d.  As we got further into our conversation it became apparent that he had pretty decent reason to be P.O.'d and that I was, in fact, the proper target.  I screwed up, I knew I had screwed up and I admitted I had screwed up.  What else was I going to do?  There was a second or two of confused silence and the "I'm gonna kick someone's butt" tone went out of his voice, after which we had a somewhat lengthy discussion about what I could do to mitigate my error.  I'm not trying to hold myself up as a paragon of virtue or anything, but shouldn't this be the norm rather than the exception?  I'll do my part and you do yours and we'll at least make our little corner of the world a better place to be.

The living room is rearranged.  The chair that we obtained curbside has been dubbed "the throne" or "Ugly Chair" and has been paired rather successfully with the green recliner from mom and dad's basement to provide a new sitting area.  (The chair can be seen in today's One A Day post.)  The sectional has been whittled down to a four-cushion couch which takes up a whole wall of the room and has thus been named "the world's longest couch."  It still comfortably seats three dogs and one person...or four people...or two people and two dogs...or...yeah, essentially some variation of four.

I had a nice birthday.  Along with the Kindle, Shad and the kids got me a digital photo frame (now on my desk at work), a cool vintage quilt and a scarf/wrap that I can wear with my LBD.  Mom and dad came through with some chocolate and some dinero and then stopped by later with awesome auction finds, including a handmade quilt with shams, a lamp (which has also been incorporated into the living room) and a knitting basket with about a bajillion pairs of knitting needles and some vintage JCPenney yarn.  Guess who is going to be trolling youtube for knitting tutorials!  Shad and I had breakfast with my mom and dad and then he slept while I cleaned the living room carpet and the couch.  After he woke up we took a short motorcycle ride, got stuff for supper, and got to see a beautiful sunset on the ride home.  It sprinkled a little and I'm happy to report that I didn't die during my first ride in the rain. 

I'm still working on those afghans.  I'm getting close to finishing one of them and then I have to figure out how to assemble the other one, then it's on to other projects.  I'd really like to do some more photography before the weather gets crappy and I've got some jewelry designs in mind that I want to get to soon.

I'm adding to my flickr account as often as I can - old and new pictures - so check that if you're interested.

Thanks for being here for my 101st post!

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