So Elsie started this project on her blog and it seems like a fine idea to me. The idea is to pick four goals that will be completed before the end of the year - big goals, small goals, easy goals, involved goals, whatever goals you may choose. Best part of all? You are encouraged to reward yourself for reaching each of your stated goals. It's really a pretty free-form idea and Lord knows that I don't like to operate with a lot of constraints. I've thought about it for a couple of days now and I think that I'm ready to commit to my four.
ONE - Blog more regularly. Our home computer is finally back and I can no longer use the excuse that I can't add pictures the way that I want to. I'm thinking that at least a couple of posts a week is definitely do-able, and it shall be done.
TWO - Crochet a granny-square blanket. I just got back into crocheting after a twenty-something year hiatus and have really enjoyed it so far. Thank goodness for youtube and the pause button! Shad kept laughing at me because I was trying to get the grandmother-type lady doing the tutorial to slow down and she just wasn't listening. It's not my fault that it takes me twice as long to do three double crochets as it takes her to do it - come on lady, give me a break! Anyway I've already finished three or four squares, so probably only fifty or seventy left to do. Please notice that I didn't say how big the blanket would be!!!!
THREE - Get my motorcycle license. I've had my permit for a little over a month now and I'm getting really comfortable on my motorcycle so I think it's about time. Right now I have to have an "experienced" rider with me at all times and I'm not supposed to ride after dark, which means no riding to work for me. This will probably be my "easiest" goal to achieve - it's a one-time (hopefully) four skill test that should take about ten minutes.
FOUR - Try new recipes. On one hand I don't like this goal too much because it's a little too "Suzy Homemaker" for me, but on the other hand our finances dictate that we do more meals at home and my cooking repertoire is not large. I have cookbooks and access to the internet, so one would assume that it would not be difficult to locate some new, relatively easy recipes to try out. Since "try new recipes" is a little vague, let's flesh that out to "Try at least one new recipe per week" and let's put a two-month time frame on it. That makes goal number four "Try at least one new recipe per week for the next two months."
So now I've got the goals and I need to come up with the rewards. The reward for passing my motorcycle test is obvious - more bike time! I suspect the spirit of this challenge would dictate that I pick something more specific, so I'll work on that.
Okay, to bed with me! See ya soon, baboon!
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