Okay, so the prompt for Day 1 is to post a recent picture of yourself (myself) and 15 interesting facts about yourself (myself). Off we go.
I hate taking my picture or having my picture taken, so it was actually a bit of a challenge to find a recent picture of me. I took this one one night after Shad and I got back from an all-day motorycle ride. As you might guess from the particular shade of red that I have attained, I forgot sunscreen. Burn*ouch*burn.
15 interesting facts about me - in no particular order
1. I was bitten by a zebra in Virginia.
2. The first concert I went to was Bon Jovi. Skid Row opened for them.
3. If I'm at home and not expecting company, I might not be wearing pants.
4. I don't eat seafood, but I like sushi (veggies only please!)
5. I knew that I wanted to marry Shad three weeks after we met.
6. I do not like being called "Sue".
7. I have an atrocious memory.
8. I spell-check my blogs before I post them. I also check the spelling on my facebook posts so as not to seem like an idiot.
9. All of my pets are male and have "people" names.
10. I spent a semester abroad in Switzerland.
11. I'd rather drive than fly for vacations.
12. I have to have the TV on (usually to cartoons) to fall asleep.
13. I can spend up to two hours in the bathtub with a good book.
14. I'd rather work 2nd or 3rd shift but can't because of my profession.
15. I'm a huge fan of zombie/end of the world movies.
1 down, 29 to go!
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