I had planned to do the "30 Days of Me" in 30 actual calendar days; however, due to a couple of late nights and poor planning on my part, I am now two calendar days behind. Do I post 3 days worth of material to catch up with the calendar or modify this project to be "30 Days of Me On Whichever 30 Days I Feel Like Posting"? I'm thinking about going with this one with the explicit understanding that I'll try to make it as close to 30 calendar days as is now possible - there's no use dragging this 30 days into a year long thing, right?
Today's prompt is "a picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you." My immediate response was to pull a picture of my adorable husband and plaster his mug all over this post - after all, we've been married almost ten years now and I simply adore him. He's undoubtedly my biggest fan and is supportive, indulgent and affectionate and, as I've said before, he's a hottie! He is, quite literally, the love of my life. *Can anyone tell that I'm feeling really schmoopy towards him today? Of course, he's asleep right now and it's pretty early, so there's no telling how I'll be feeling about him in a couple of hours.... ;)
As I gave the matter a little more thought, though, I considered the people who have given me wisdom, guidance and life lessons that I turn to again and again and who shaped the core values that I draw upon every day. Without further ado, I give you.....

My parents, circa 1980. I'm the adorable little blonde sprite and my sister Jen is the mischievous-looking brunette. Yep, this is me at seven!
My parents are awesome. There is literally not a situation in which I can look back and think "Wow. I wish they would have done _______ different." The lessons that they taught me (and the ones they let me learn on my own!) have provided the base for who I am today and who I'll be tomorrow.
When people tell me that I'm "just like" my mom or my dad, it always makes me feel good. There are definitely some ways that I'd like to be more like my parents - I'd love to have more of my dad's work ethic and technical knowledge and I'll never be the cook/homemaker that my mom is or, I suspect, be able to match her selflessness or compassion - but I guess those are things I can continue to work on. All in all, I'd have to say that I'm not "just like" either one of my parents, but a pretty decent blend of both. And I like it!
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