These two are from this year's prom. Although Malorie was only a Sophomore, her boyfriend was a Senior and asked her to go. We found an adorable dress with sparkly Converse shoes that absolutely fit Malorie's personality to a "T" and, although there were two other girls with the same shoes, no one rocked them like Mal. The prom couple was super good about letting me and my VBF take pictures before promenade, so there is no shortage of really good shots. I think the top page does a pretty good job of catching the whole Prom 2010 experience, while "the" dress layout focuses in on Malorie's attire and the whole dress shopping experience.
Again, what I like most about this page is the sheer number of photos that I was able to fit on it to document Shad and my first trip to the City Museum in St. Louis. Since most of the pictures are of things, not people, I wasn't as worried about making sure that they were my usual 4x6 prints. I'm pretty happy with the hand-drawn borders for each picture, too.
While I generally like this layout of Andrew at the skate park, in hindsight I wish I wouldn't have added the hand-drawn elements. Oh well.
I love this page about how my sweetie tried to hang with the kids on the halfpipe.
This collage-style page details a trip that our family took to Nashville to hang out with Shad's friend Eric. I used both photographs and memorabilia on the black page along with free-form journaling in silver pen.
This is my most favorite page that I've done, ever. For once it seemed like everything came together for me - a great picture of Malorie that was taken during a spur-of-the-moment photo shoot, great color and an inspired title taken from Jason Mraz's song "Not So Usual."
I'll keep at it and try to come up with more pages to share!
Love your pages