I am
sooooooo tired. I made the (huge!) mistake of drinking a couple of iced coffee drinks last night at about 10:00 p.m. and was up until about 2:15 this morning. I then woke up at 6:15 and couldn't get back to sleep - of course - so I did what any sane, logical person would do and put on a pot of coffee. Coffee this morning, more coffee with lunch and I was still dragging by about 2:30 p.m. Where was my 5-Hour energy drink when I needed it? I've seen the commercials - one shot would have banished the "2:30 feeling" and given me energy to get through the rest of my day.

I am
soooooo digging this granny square blanket that I found in
this blog from April 2007. Unfortunately when I clicked on the link to try to find the original source of the picture, the blog could not be found. I can only imagine the other stunning projects that are now forever hidden from me. At least I found this one! I really hope that one day I'll be able to be this free with color and completely disregard my deeply-ingrained need for order. Baby steps away from the blues, greens and grays that I usually stick to and towards the bright random color chaos....

I am
sooooooo excited that we finally got to go to
The Bale Out when we went to the
City Museum in St. Louis this week. You can imagine my elation when we got to the third floor of the City Museum and saw that the stairway was open and people were ascending to shop, (or at least you will be able to once I tell you just what The Bale Out is). Apparently The Bale Out obtains actual bales of clothing from who-knows-where, pulls out the pieces, puts them on racks at generally ridiculously low prices, and waits for people to discover the awesomeness. I walked out with six corduroy skirts/pants (each about 1 1/2 yards of recoverable fabric as well as the zippers, snaps, buttons, etc.) for six dollars. Was I psyched? Yes, yes I was.

I am
sooooooo hoping that you will trust me enough to click on
this link to see what I picked to share with you today. Go ahead, do it! Would I steer you wrong?
Okay, I'm gonna do what I gotta do (sleep!) and you go do what you gotta do. Later!
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