Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I Have a Plan!

I've been doing a little brainstorming and have come up with a couple of different "theme" posts that I'm going to try from time to time. I will not claim that they are original ideas, because we are truly to the point that it seems as if there is nothing "original" anymore. Well, I shouldn't say that, because certain actions involving a lemon, an umbrella and two members of the Blue Man Group might sill be original - chances are, though, that those actions are also illegal, immoral, and/or sacrilegious.

Back on task now. I don't think that I'm going to reveal the topics just yet because if I list something and then don't post it in a reasonable amount of time I get to feeling all guilty and obligated and that's not what I'm looking for. What I will tell you though is that I'm sure the new stuff I anticipate posting is just as interesting as all of my other ramblings (and you are free to take that exactly as you choose!)

If I posted yesterday I would have said that, although it's been among my busiest times ever at work, I've been exceedingly happy. Content, even. Very pleased with where I am in most aspects of my life. The kids are good, the hubs is good, the house hasn't fallen down around our ears, and even the dogs have been as good as three big dogs can be. You know the times in your life when you haven't really felt like "you"? Well here lately I've really felt like "me" and I must say that I'm digging it.

Work today kicked my arse. I seem to have fallen into the "It needs done so I'll do it" trap and I've been tres busy. My friend/colleague Joe told me that he really likes one of Harry S. Truman's quotes that I'm keeping as my motto: It's amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit. I've even been getting some credit lately, so I don't even know why I'm stressing. Still, it would be nice if I could get someone else to help out with the after-hours stuff that comes up....

It occurs to me that I accomplished one of my "4 Little Goals" and was supposed to give myself some sort of reward, which I have failed to do. I'm thinking that some decent saddlebags for the motorcycle would be something that I both want and, at this point, I'm starting to need. Perhaps I will order them tomorrow.

In closing, please remember that although people in glass houses should not throw stones, they also should not pick their butts. Or their nose. Or their butt's nose. Wait.....

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