Saturday, September 11, 2010

30 Days of Me - Day 18

"Plans/Dreams/Goals you have"

Okay, early on I said that I wasn't going to frequently post a "to do" post, but this prompt seems to be begging for it, right? Far be it from me to ignore so obvious a demand!

My first goal for this weekend is to make it a "No Money" weekend. I guess I have to define "weekend" as Saturday and Sunday, because you've no doubt already read about my Wal-Marting last evening and have likely surmised that that little adventure wasn't free. I mean, I did cop to the doughnuts, right? Hee-hee. Cop. Doughnuts. I'm hil-larous.

My other weekend goal includes doing a deep-clean of our bedroom which includes, but is not limited to, washing all of the bedding and curtains, cleaning the windows, moving the bed out and cleaning/organizing underneath, dusting, vacuuming and steam-cleaning the carpeting and, if that hasn't done me in, maybe going through my clothes too. Gosh. That seems really ambitious, doesn't it? I think it can be done, though. I will give myself mad rockstar points if I get all of that done. I don't know what you can redeem rockstar points for but it's got to be something great, right?

How do you tell a plan from a goal from a dream?

I would say that I'm already pretty much living my dream. Now that I think about it, this may be the "best" that my life is likely to be. I am married to my absolute favorite person, my parents are still together and relatively healthy, the kids are maturing into very interesting young adults, my friends are always there for me, I love our house and our pets and I am working at a job that I'm good at (if I do say so myself) where I feel that I'm making a difference. Sure, I can always wish for "more" - more time, more money, etc., but it would be like a bonus rather than a necessity.

I plan to get my small business idea off the ground by this time next year. I'm working on developing products and making contacts and, even if it doesn't work out, I've already had a pretty good time with it.

One of my biggest long-term goals is to help the kids grow into responsible, self-sufficient, confident adults. Even though they are not "mine" biologically, I think that any time a child is in your life you bear some responsibility to guide them. I'm not a big "green" person - I don't recycle as much as I should, I probably leave too many lights on and I'm not against the use of Styrofoam if it's convenient to me - so helping to raise two well-adjusted adults will be my biggest contribution to the future.

So the more time I spend on here is less time that I can spend meeting my weekend goals, so I'm outta here for now. Catch ya later!

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