One of the people that I work with quoted a part of a poem yesterday that intrigued me. I couldn't remember enough of it to find it on Google, so I asked him to repeat it to me so I could track it down. The poem was "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot. While I do not particularly enjoy poetry, I found some of the imagery in this one compelling, most specifically the lines:
Do I dare
Disturb the universe?
In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.
Really, I thought the whole thing was pretty good which really surprised me. I guess you never know, huh? No doubt inspired by T.S. Eliot, I wrote a poem while standing in the bakery aisle at Wal-Mart. Wanna hear it? Here it goes.....
In the too-bright land of low low prices
Amist the beeps and bops and boops
As I look around at all of the misfits
With the practiced eye of the holier-than-thou
It stikes me
I am among my own.
I guess I was trying to express the thought that while I was taking mental note of all of the "interesting" people at Wal-Mart, I was obviously one myself because I was there too. Kinda like the "everyone has one really ugly friend and if you don't then you're the ugly friend" thing....
While at Wal-Mart, I picked up the newest issue of all*you.

Anyone else think that one of the "79 Ways to Save More" might be to not make impulse purchases of magazines promising to help you save more money? I'll let you know...
So you know how super-psyched I get when I spell everything right the first time in my posts, right? Today I was trying to spell "fictitious". First I spelled it "ficticiuos" and someone brought it to my attention and then I spelled it "ficticious". Finally I gave up and said that I would try to do the document again on Monday as it was obviously not my day to spell "fictitious". And I haven't spell-checked this post yet, but my on-purpose misspellings do not count toward the total misspellings! (There were two.....)
Okay, enough for now. L8R!
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