Monday, June 7, 2010

Ya Gotta Start Somewhere

Okay, I'm gonna say that this is Stephanie's fault, as I wouldn't have even considered doing a blog if she wouldn't have mentioned it a few weeks ago. Maybe this will give her something to do when she's in those boring summer school classes if nothing else...

So I've been watching "The Secret Life of the American Teenager" since I got home from work at 4:00. It's one of those shows that Malorie made me watch last year and now I am sadly hooked. It's hokey, the acting is atrocious and it's like a train wreck - I almost can't look away. Is Adrian pregnant? Will Ben and Amy get back together? Why do I care? Argh!

Speaking of bad television, I'm also sadly enthralled by Jersey Shore. How can you not be? It's so hard to fathom that there are pseudo-people out there that live their lives that way. Perhaps I'm jealous - they're not worried about making sure that a couple of kids grow into responsible, caring, mature adults or putting in the 8-4. I vaguely remember those days. I seem to recall they were back in the early 1990s...

I spent an hour and a half tonight sewing Boy Scout badges on Andrew's shirt. I think that, like the whole cooking and cleaning thing, men just assume that women have sewing skills. Unfortunately, like cooking and cleaning, my sewing skills are sadly sub-par. Seriously, who takes an hour and a half to sew on six patches? I don't think half of them are straight and I'll probably have to redo some of them, but at least I got them all on in time for the meeting tonight. It's the small victories that must be celebrated, and I choose to celebrate with some Dairy Queen. (Which directly relates to the sub-par cooking thing!)

I'm typing this on Malorie's laptop because the dogs trashed the wireless receivers for the keyboard and mouse so our main computer is unusuable. I have several complaints about the laptop - first and foremost being that my fingers are too darn fat and I keep hitting the wrong keys. Aside from that, I don't feel comfortable putting pictures on Malorie's computer so I'm limited to words only until we can get something figured out for the desktop. Finally, this darn thing is getting pretty hot on my lap and I'm too lazy to get something to act as a heat barrier. In conclusion, I'm not a fan of the laptop. (I don't know why I temporarily resorted to the high school essay type format, but I did, so there.)

As you can see, I'm a huge fan of the ellipses (...) as well as the parenthesis ( () ). Especially when you can do this ( ) with parenthesises. Parenthesi? Anyone notice that I made a butt using only parenthesis and a vertical line? Anyone?!?!?


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