Monday, June 14, 2010

Old Love, New Love

Before I get too far into this post, I feel that I must disclose that I spent the hours between 4:00 and 7:00 this afternoon at a French Bordeaux tasting. I learned quite a bit about how the wine is grown and what how to take in the bouquet, find the legs and take the first slurpy sip to properly take in the full effect of the wine. It was really informative, but I have to tell you that it certainly made assembling the new vacuum and carpet shampooer when I got home just a little more challenging. As I told Chris, somewhere there was a monkey copulating with a greased football that was looking smoo-ooth compared to my assembly skills. I got everything together and now the living room carpet and one-half of the sectional are at least cleaner than they used to were....

So I've been thinking about my honey a lot lately. It seems like recently we've gotten a little extra time together - just us - and I've really been enjoying his company. Not that that's surprising, because he's honestly one of the funniest people I know (even though I'll deny it to his face) and we're very in sync, but I know that I'm lucky. We're lucky. Ten plus years into our relationship and I would rather be with him doing something horrible than be anywhere else. I think that we're very good at appreciating each other and with him there is so much to appreciate. He helps with the cooking and housework, he's handy around the house, he's encouraging, smart, funny, witty (and there is a difference), he spoils me for no good reason and, let's face it, he's a hottie.

As much as I love my hubby (and I'm sorry if that phrase grates on your nerves - if it does, please feel free to mentally insert whatever spousal description you like) I am a bit afraid that I've lost him, at least temporarily, to a new love....

This afternoon we picked up our "new" motorcycle. It's actually used (but not very used) but it's of course new to us - so new that we haven't even named it yet! Since it's been a long time since Shad's been on a bike, he got to ride it home on his own while I brought the minivan home. He looked Bad to the Bone, I was all soccer stepmomed out. (Can you tell that I'm not a big fan of the minivan?) I'm thinking that after riding this afternoon and tonight and tomorrow - 'cuz it's not like anything but a tornado warning is going to get him off it - he'll be ready for a passenger.

Now's the time for chillin' out to some Jack Johnson music. If you're not familiar with him, take a minute and go to youtube and check him out. He's got a beachy, laid-back vibe that's perfect for relaxing, hanging out by the pool or soaking up some sun. Seriously, take a minute.....

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. so sweet to read what you have to say about the hubbs. I'm impressed with the wine tasting!!! BTW, I hope you haven't totally lost him to the new ride.
