Explanation for the pictures to the left is forthcoming, but first....
You'll notice that I have 1-2-3-4 posts today. The three posts below this could have been combined into a single post, or even included in this one, if I was not so adamant that the pictures should be in somewhat close proximity to the part of the post to which they relate. Okay, so I'm breaking that rule in this particular post, but I promise that it's an anomaly which won't soon be repeated. Anyway, as previously stated, I'm forced to post from the kids' laptops and I apparently am just not smart enough to figure out how to cut and paste the html to move the pictures around in the blogs. Stupid fat fingers. Yeah, we'll blame the fingers. I'll bet that the kids could tell me how to do it, but right now they're out in the front yard shooting a potato gun across the field. Country living at its finest! I digress - I posted four different posts so that the pictures would show up with the corresponding explanations.
The two pictures here show the heinous luck which our family has been having with glass lately. Earlier this week we had a storm blow through with some pretty high winds and, as a result, one of the storm windows on the west side of the front porch ended up in 10,826 pieces strewn all over the place. Two weeks ago one of the front porch windows was apparently shattered by hail while we were out and about (not pictured). This morning I was almost out of the door when I heard the distinct sound of breaking glass coming from the back porch. The cause quickly became apparent when I looked out the back door (although I don't believe it was this particular dog that caused the damage). Using my investigative skills honed from hours of watching CSI and Blue's Clues, I determined that it was most likely Big Bad Clyde that got a little too enthusiastic in his attempts to alert us that he wanted in and subsequently busted through the glass. My suspicions were further confirmed when I noted that, once allowed inside, Clyde left a minute amount of blood on the living room carpeting in the immediate vicinity of his front paws. Am I good or what?
The good news is that I have blown through yesterday's crafters block. Apparently all I had to do was to acknowledge the problem and *BOOM* its gone. I have spent hours in the craft room (hopefully soon to be known as "the office"!) and actually produced some kinda cute stuff. Since you had to read about my problems getting going I thought it was only fair to show you what I accomplished. I try to be considerate....
I've only slept about eight hours total this weekend and it's starting to screw with my brain. For the first time that I can remember I took a shower while chewing gum. At one point it was like I couldn't decide whether it was more important to shield the gum from possible soap infusion or to keep the water out of my nose - luckily my catlike ninja skills allowed me to do both.
I have to go to a golf outing tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it. I was actually supposed to organize it but I convinced everyone that if they left it to me to plan it wasn't going to happen. I guess I should be relieved that all I have to do is go out and sign people in and then hit the dinner portion of the event later. Still, if I had my druthers I wouldn't be going.
I include this paragraph to remind myself to post about my wonderful husband's surprise addition to the kitchen tomorrow. I truly didn't see it coming.....
For a few brief minutes this evening I saw a rainbow over the field across the street. Then the kids hit it with a potato. Not really. The rainbow was pretty though. My name is Susan and I....oh look! A squirrel!
Have a fantastic Sunday!
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