Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'm just sayin'

Some days I feel braver than others. I'm more willing to speak my mind, take chances and admit what I really want. It seems like some of my "brave" days come when they really shouldn't - those days when my real opinion is neither wanted nor appropriate to share - and usually when I'm in a position where whatever I said would be recorded for all prosperity...

While I like my job, I would much prefer to stay at home. I don't have any of the typical reasons for staying at home - no kids that require constant supervision, no home-based business to run, not even a pesky puppy that needs to go out every hour or so - so any stay-at-home decision for me would be purely selfish. It's not realistic, but sometimes I like to think about what I would do to if I had all of that unscripted time.

Surely I would cook more, and cook more creatively. The cookbooks that I own would be perused for tasty new recipes and my spice cabinet would be in constant use. I would make grocery shopping an art form and not only would I recognize those exotic fruits and veggies by sight, but know three different ways to use them. Rachel Ray would have nothing on me!

My craft skills would grow exponentially. I would catch up on my scrapbooking within two months and find creative ways to use all of those supplies that I've been amassing for the last several years. I would sew using material that I have on-hand and repurposing clothing that we outgrow or no longer want to make amazing items.

I would plant a garden and tend it regularly. I would learn to can and to make jams and jellies and would be able to share fantastic culinary masterpieces with family and friends.

I would organize the storage space. I would know everything that we have and where it is. I would do a complete home inventory and keep it updated. I would know where every owner's manual and instruction guide was.

I would be in phenomenal shape because I would have time to exercise every single day. I could walk, bike ride, or go to the gym every day.

My house would be spotless. The carpets would always be vacuumed, the woodwork would always be dusted and the dishes would always be done. I would never, ever worry about people coming over because my house would always be company-ready.

Okay, the reality is that if I didn't work I'd probably do a lot of catching up on Maury and One Life to Live. I'd be in worse shape rather than better and I'd always put off cleaning or organizing or crafting until tomorrow.

Of course, I'd like the chance to see what I'd do if I could stay at home. I'm just sayin'......

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