Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Two hours we'll never get back

First, I must say that my day had a certain "z" theme to it - I had some zingers at lunch and then I went to zumba tonight. Two things probably don't constitute a theme if you're dealing with a more common letter - say "s" or "t" - because you can say that you "t"alked to someone and you ate "t"acos for dinner and it's really not that unusual. But how many things start with "z" that you might encounter in a day? I mean really, the only other thing that could have happened would have been for me to pet, or possibly get bitten by, a zebra, which would have been rather outlandish. I mean, it would have been outlandish for me to do it today, not in general. I am really the only person I know that has actually for real been bitten by a zebra and lived to tell about it.

So the two hours that I lost tonight went to the movie "Shutter Island." I won't ruin it for anyone, but it was kinda similar to another movie that came out a few years ago. That movie was okay because it was the first time that I can remember seeing that particular storyline used in a movie, although I do remember it from one of the books we had to read in high school. Now, however, it's getting old.

Short post tonight because I would really like to take a bath (I still have dried shin sweat from zumba and I'm sure that I'm kinda ripe) and then get to bed.

Night all!

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