I'll say up front that I'm not a "typical" girl in that I don't have your standard celebrity crushes. Brad Pitt? Nope. George Clooney? Not for me. Shia LeBouf? Sorry, watched him on Even Stevens and can't get past it. Taylor Lautner? Okay, maybe Taylor.... :) For the most part, though, my celebrity crushes run to the obscure.
#1 - Forrest Griffin

#2 - Amir Sadollah

Amir is another one of the UFC guys. Again dorky looking, again awesome sense of humor. He's one of those guys that to listen to you wouldn't figure him for a MMA-type guy, but he tends to get the job done in the octagon. He also does some broadcasting work, most notably the online post-fight interviews following each of The Ultimate Fighter bouts.
#3 - Jeff Woywitka

Jeff currently is a defenseman for the Dallas Stars NHL franchise. Shad and the kids give me all kinds of grief about my love for the Woy-boy, but I hold my head high. He has to be a lover, because believe me, he's no fighter. (Google "Woywitka Tootoo fight" if you want to see what I'm talking about...)
#4 - David Morse

I'm sure that David's face is familiar, but perhaps not remarkable, to you. He's been in movies like The Rock and The Green Mile. He's generally one of the main supporting actors and is typically cast as the good, moral guy - apparently he's just got that look about him....
So now you can see why Shad is so secure in my love for him - he's just my type! Cute, dorky, funny, good, moral, etc., he mashes all of the things I like about all of these celebrities (I'm having a hard time not putting "celebrities" in quotes since I know that you may have recognized one out of the four guys listed here) into one big gooey ball of awesomeness. Say it with me now - AWWWWW...
(Funny, and true, story - I was trying to type AWWW and instead of getting the "W" I hit the "S" key, so it initially read "ASSSSS..." Now that I think about it, Shad does have a nice.....smile. A nice smile! Pervs!)
On another note, today at work I listened to the Doors Greatest Hits. "The End" always reminds me of the movie Apocalypse Now with Martin Sheen and puts me in a weirdly reflective and almost meditative state of mind. I was definitely digging it.
I also colored my first mandala today. It's like a coloring page for grownups - a geometric repetitive shape that you can color in any way, with any colors you choose. My instruments were limited due to my location so I wasn't particularly pleased with the results (think coloring very small areas with a blunt crayon). Yes, I was using crayons (Crayola perfect blends that are like three colors blended in each twist-up crayon) and yes, I was at work. Some people get to have crayons at work and call them "teaching aids" or "supplies." I'm woman enough to admit I just have crayons. What are you going to do about it? ;) Anyway, take a second or two and google "free mandalas" and you'll come up with a treasure-trove of coloring fun. I won't tell!
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