Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Feeling Mentally Bogged Down and Physically Pumped Up

Have you ever gotten to the point that you have so much to do that you literally can't focus for long enough to get anything done while stuff is still piling up on you so your inability to act due to the amount of crap you have to do is actually causing you to have even more to do?  Yeah, so that's me.  It's actually complicated by the fact that I might have a very big project due at work next week or I might not.  I might know tomorrow afternoon.  Or Friday morning.  Or Friday afternoon.  Maybe sometime, I guess.  No need for any definite answers, right?  I mean, I'd have all weekend to get this project ready.  Who really needs to finish up Christmas shopping or spend time with their fabulous husband, who will be enjoying his first three-day weekend in lord knows how long while the kids will be with their momma?  Probably not me, or so it seems.

Enough grousing.  Anyone want to guess what I'm wearing right now?  Anyone?  Okay, it's not like you'd guess it anyway, so I'll just go ahead and let you in on my little fashion secret of the evening.  Ready? 
You're welcome for me not posting a picture of myself in the union suit!

Shad told me that he was considering getting rid of his union suit and wanted to know if I would maybe want it.  Are you kidding?!?!?  Put feeties on this thing and there is no finer finery anywhere!  Of course, a union suit cannot at once fit both a 6'1 tall hunk of manly man and a 5'3 tall feisty ball of femininity, so there's a lot of excess to be had in both arms and legs.  There's also this weird bump-like lump of fabric near the pelvic area, but I guess that's probably to house accessories that I don't come equipped with, right?  Paired with a hooded sweater, a pair of cotton shorts (to cover the butt-flap!) and socks, this little number is doing a fair job of keeping me warm this evening.

My {21} Challenge experience has really taken hold - I've continued on with my treading on the mill and have actually started to look forward to it.  I'm working on breaking in the new shoes, too.  Some days I wake up early to work out, some days I wait until the evening to do it, but I've been doing pretty good about getting it done.  It's actually a lot easier to do now that the treadmill is in the basement - less likelihood that someone is going to catch me singing along to Brittney or bustin' out some awful dance moves during my warm-ups.Crank up the tunes, make a workout plan and start going.  Yay me!

I'm kinda hoping that my project is delayed for a month or two.  Seems crappy to have to be this busy (or at least to have to anticipate being this busy) so near Christmas, but I guess that it is what it is.  I'm confident that somehow everything will get done and I can look forward to at least a couple of days of rest and relaxation, even if it's not until Christmas day. 

Here's hoping that Santa isn't watching too closely!  ;)

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