Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sunsets and Johnny Cade

"You know," Johnny said slowly, "I never noticed colors and clouds and stuff
until you kept reminding me about them.  It seems like they were never there before."
~S.E. Hinton - The Outsiders

If I hadn't have already posted my "One A Day" for today.....

The Outsiders was without doubt the movie of my childhood.  I was in 5th grade when it came out on HBO.  The movie was a particular favorite for me and my "boyfriend" Craig; each day we would come to school to update how many times we had seen the movie.  I remember waking up at 3:30 or some other hellacious hour of the morning in an attempt to get just one more viewing of the movie in - by the time that HBO had moved on to other movies I think I had watched it something like twenty-three times. 

Something that has stayed with me (aside from being able to quote almost the entire movie line-for-line) is Johnny's confession to Ponyboy that he didn't notice things like the clouds and colors until they were pointed out to him. 

I've always been the type of girl that will stop suddenly in the middle of the sidewalk to stare into the sky, mouth agape, to take in a colorful sunset.  I love the pink tinge that colors the sunlight coming into the house, reminding me to take a minute or two to just look at the window and watch the sun set.  I love the light.  I love what it does, I love how it tints our life and I especially love that little bit of time after the sun has gone down over the horizon but its rays are still coloring the underside of the clouds.  Sunsets on my country road are generally colorful and vibrant and visually stunning and I experience and appreciate each one for the magic that they bring.  Here's another shot of tonight's sunset that we can appreciate together:

Nighty night!

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