Tuesday, November 9, 2010


(which is just a fancy way of saying that I'm not real sure exactly what we'll be talking about in this post!)

Wanna know one of my biggest pet peeves?  People in restaurants that start their order with "Get me a....."  Just sounds rude, doesn't it?  What about "May I please have"?  "Please" and "thank you" have not yet gone completely out of style, folks!

Speaking of restaurants, Shad asked me if I would like to go out to dinner with him on Friday.  I thought for sure that there must be a group of people that had asked him if we wanted to go, but lo and behold, it will just be us.  I think he likes me......  <3  <3   <3

Since we're already on the topic of food, I feel compelled to - again - admit how much I do not like to cook.  I don't think that I'm a bad cook, per se,  but I don't get the enjoyment and fulfillment that I know other people do.  It's kinda sad, really.  Perhaps my talents lie elsewhere.  Anyone have any ideas what and where?!?!?

Shad is absolutely super-psyched about Christmas this year.  When we were out treasure hunting the weekend before last he found a truly amazing vintage light-up holiday sign that he had to have.  Imagine our excitement when the proprietor of the shop quoted the oh-so-reasonable price of $5.00 for this gem.  (Actually, until you see it you won't be able to truly grasp the level of excitement that this very reasonable price generated, but I'm not ready to show it off quite yet......)  I think that we're going to do some sort of family get-together this year and Shad wants to have a theme of "Vintage Christmas."  I suspect his definition of "vintage" will stretch as necessary to include the decor and characters from "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation"......

I am absolutely hooked on AMC's new series "The Walking Dead."  A zombie series with new episodes every week?  Are you kidding me?  Even better?  I think they're going to fulfill my dream of portraying an actual realistic zombie on screen!

Okay, I'm going up to the craft room for a bit.  I'll be back a little later to post the "One A Day"s for yesterday and today.  See ya then!

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