Sunday, December 26, 2010

One A Day - December 23

Okay, I didn't take this picture but since my sister-in-law sent it to me and asked me to print it out (and because I didn't take a picture for the 23rd) I'm using it!

One A Day - December 22

I thought that this was a really cute idea for an ornament!

One A Day - December 21


One A Day - December 20

Shut up Clyde!

One A Day - December 19

See those presents under the tree?  Shad wrapped them all!

One A Day - December 18

A church (obviously!!!!!)

One A Day - December 17

Isn't there something else you could be taking a picture of?

One A Day - December 16


One A Day - December 15

Okay, I can't find a picture from December 15.  Sorry!

Merry Christmas To All!!!!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, etc., etc. to one and all! 

'Twas a good Christmas Eve/Christmas at our house this year - even though the snow (which provided us with a beautiful white Christmas) put a damper on our Shad's side of the family get-together.  For the last week or so I've been in a cleaning/planning frenzy to get ready to host Shad's parents, his sister and her family and other various relatives for a Christmas Eve gathering scheduled for 4:00 p.m.  At about 10:30 a.m. it started snowing in earnest.  Charlie liked it -

Otis, not so much - 

Clyde was being such a baby about the snow that I couldn't even get a picture of him out in it - as soon as I stepped onto the back porch he wound himself around my legs and refused to go out and play.  What a wuss!

At about 2:00 p.m. or so people started calling off.  I guess it's one of the drawbacks of being the ones who moved away (and into the country, to boot!) from the family group, but we managed to survive.  Shad and the kids and I ate some of the "party" food and packed up some more to drop off with the relatives when we took the kids to their mom's house for Christmas.  We got to see Shad's mom, his dad and his sister so it's kinda like we took the party on the road!

Shad's mom had also prepared for the festivities by purchasing some Panera Bread bread, bagels and cream cheese which she generously shared with us.  May I just say that the cinnamon crunch bagels plus hazelnut spread equals tasty goodness?  For the math nerds out there, the symbolic interpretation of the preceding equation would be Cinnamon Crunch bagels + Hazelnut spread = :)<3 would also be accepted.

More on Christmas (I made out like a bandit, totally befitting my "Good List" status this year!) and "One A Day" pictures will trickle in throughout the day.

See ya!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

#22 - Done!

I finished another "40 Things To Do Before I Turn 40" goal!

22. Crochet an afghan (or two!)

I crocheted this granny-square blanket for my sister as part of my hand-made Christmas gifts.  It had twelve different colors and by the time I got to the outer rows it was taking me a little over an hour to do one round.  I was pretty happy with how it turned out and I hope that it keeps Jen warm for years to come!

I have about 40 granny-squares that I was hoping to turn into a blanket for mom and dad, but I just didn't get it done.  Plus, it doesn't seem quite big enough.  I'll have to try to figure out something else to do with all of those squares.....

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Feeling Mentally Bogged Down and Physically Pumped Up

Have you ever gotten to the point that you have so much to do that you literally can't focus for long enough to get anything done while stuff is still piling up on you so your inability to act due to the amount of crap you have to do is actually causing you to have even more to do?  Yeah, so that's me.  It's actually complicated by the fact that I might have a very big project due at work next week or I might not.  I might know tomorrow afternoon.  Or Friday morning.  Or Friday afternoon.  Maybe sometime, I guess.  No need for any definite answers, right?  I mean, I'd have all weekend to get this project ready.  Who really needs to finish up Christmas shopping or spend time with their fabulous husband, who will be enjoying his first three-day weekend in lord knows how long while the kids will be with their momma?  Probably not me, or so it seems.

Enough grousing.  Anyone want to guess what I'm wearing right now?  Anyone?  Okay, it's not like you'd guess it anyway, so I'll just go ahead and let you in on my little fashion secret of the evening.  Ready? 
You're welcome for me not posting a picture of myself in the union suit!

Shad told me that he was considering getting rid of his union suit and wanted to know if I would maybe want it.  Are you kidding?!?!?  Put feeties on this thing and there is no finer finery anywhere!  Of course, a union suit cannot at once fit both a 6'1 tall hunk of manly man and a 5'3 tall feisty ball of femininity, so there's a lot of excess to be had in both arms and legs.  There's also this weird bump-like lump of fabric near the pelvic area, but I guess that's probably to house accessories that I don't come equipped with, right?  Paired with a hooded sweater, a pair of cotton shorts (to cover the butt-flap!) and socks, this little number is doing a fair job of keeping me warm this evening.

My {21} Challenge experience has really taken hold - I've continued on with my treading on the mill and have actually started to look forward to it.  I'm working on breaking in the new shoes, too.  Some days I wake up early to work out, some days I wait until the evening to do it, but I've been doing pretty good about getting it done.  It's actually a lot easier to do now that the treadmill is in the basement - less likelihood that someone is going to catch me singing along to Brittney or bustin' out some awful dance moves during my warm-ups.Crank up the tunes, make a workout plan and start going.  Yay me!

I'm kinda hoping that my project is delayed for a month or two.  Seems crappy to have to be this busy (or at least to have to anticipate being this busy) so near Christmas, but I guess that it is what it is.  I'm confident that somehow everything will get done and I can look forward to at least a couple of days of rest and relaxation, even if it's not until Christmas day. 

Here's hoping that Santa isn't watching too closely!  ;)

One A Day - December 14

Christmas elves - in Hades!!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Winter has arrived.  Normally this is not something that I would complain about, as I tend to run very warm and it's easier to put on clothes to get warm than it is to take them off to get cool, but it's been almost too cold 'round these parts lately.

Picture this: me, wearing sweat pants, socks (yes people, I said socks!), a t-shirt over a long-sleeved shirt, gloves, fingerless gloves that I crocheted myself, a hooded sweater (hood up), all wrapped up in two blankets.  And I was still cold!  And this was in our living room!  I really should have had Shad or one of the kids snap a picture for posterity....

In my opinion, if it's going to be this cold we had best have a measurable amount of snow on the ground.  Like school is cancelled at least one day (and I wouldn't complain too much if work was cancelled too!) and we can leisurely dig ourselves out.  Of course, I would like to keep our power and Internet services, please.  Is that too much to ask?

One A Day - December 13

Damn.  Damn damn damn.

One A Day - December 12

Snowin' and blowin' on my country road

Sunday, December 12, 2010

One A Day - December 11

My new kicks - not pretty, hopefully functional!

The {21} Challenge - Day {21}

You might have noticed that I'm a girl who likes to use exclamation points from time to time.  I'm gonna do us both a favor and try to control myself here, but holy jeez!!!!!!!!!!  I made it!!!!!!!!!!

I was pretty psyched to see that the final quote comes from a fellow "U of A"er.  I won't get all cheesy and break down Bear's words, but it's definitely something to keep in mind.

These last 21 days have given me a strong start in achieving my goal.  I feel better and my clothes are fitting better.  I really feel like I've started a new habit here - the "right" food choices are becoming easier and I'm finding ways to fit exercise into my day whether I can plan a workout or not. 

If you want a gauge of how serious I am about this (and you know me IRL - "In Real Life") then I shouldn't have to say any more than this:

I went out and bought new tennis shoes.  It took me about an hour.  In a shoe store.

I think that says it all.....

The {21} Challenge - Day {20}

Okay, you caught me.  I'm writing about Day {20} on Day {21} and I have to admit that it's pretty hard not to jump ahead and celebrate, but I want to document yesterday first.

I intended to leave work early yesterday (like before lunch) to make up for working late the day before, but the way that things went I was stuck in the office until almost two.  Anyone want to guess where I ate lunch?  The people at Subway (who already love me because I'm one of those super-cool funny, easygoing customers) are ready to give me a smock and put me to work.  I guess I can say that I'm happy I don't get stuck on one thing, which would be very boring.  I'll switch up my order, but some things remain constant:

*My sandwich might be heated, but never toasted.  I'm not sure what my prejudice is against toasting, but it runs strong and deep.

*If I'm having cheese, it's pepper-jack.  Any of the other cheeses are like adding fat and calories without taste.

*"A line of light mayonnaise."  I need a little something for taste, but if you don't watch it, the "Sandwich Artists" will paint your whole sandwich with mayo.

Yesterday evening I went to Malorie's away game with VBF and her family.  I ate at home before we went so I wouldn't be tempted by salty popcorn and candy, which worked very well.  I was sorely put to the test when the family and I stopped by Popeye's on the way home.  I'm a pretty big fan of chicken in its many forms and I know that some of those sides (especially the biscuits.  Goodness help me, the biscuits!) are tase-ty, but I managed to walk out of there with nothing more than a large iced tea.  Not even a sweet tea, for Pete's sake!  Tell me this {21} Challenge thing hasn't worked its magic on me and I'm gonna call you a liar right to your face!

A Winter Ride

Shad and I decided that we would try to get out on the bikes at least once a month, even during the winter.  Friday was fairly mild for December so off we went!

We started with a ride around the block

You get to see me twice - mirror and shadow!

Notice the little piece of rainbow just to the left of center?

We rode down to the river where Shad and the kids like to fish in the summer

Our chariot

The dam

Aren't we cute?!?!?

You can tell this is a self-portrait because you can see the camera's reflection in my face shield!
(And my nose didn't feel as smashed as it looks in this picture....)

Playing around with perspectives and whatnot

Headed up the hill

It's me in the back of Shad's helmet!

Another interesting look at the ride

Almost home.....

It wasn't even really that cold - my leather coat works wonders and the full-face helmet cuts most of the wind and cold air.  I hope we get a day in January with clear roads so we can do it again!

Friday, December 10, 2010

One A Day - December 10

Aren't we adorable?!?!?!?

One A Day - December 9

Is it just me or does it look like this little doll is in some danger?

The {21} Challenge - Day {19}

I am mighty proud of myself, I must say.  I worked late (about 3 hours over) to catch up on some stuff and instead of going to get the double-cheeseburger with fries and a side of cheese sauce like I wanted I went back to Subway (where I had eaten lunch) to get something healthy.  Mad props to me by me and hey, feel free to call me Jared for eating at Subway twice in one day.

One A Day - December 8

That's a lot of South Park!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The {21} Challenge - Day 18

I think that the "Rwar"s and the "Mew"s have worked themselves out and we're on to a more even keel.

I'm happy to report that Day {18} found me right back on track with my eating, so that's good.  I've found that even when we go out to eat (which is probably far too much!) I'm making good food choices.  That doesn't mean that my first impulse isn't to order up the horseshoe sandwich
with plenty of extra-delicious cheese, followed up by some rich chocolately goodness, cheesecake, lemon supreme pie or calorie-laden coffee drink, but thus far I have done a fair job of resisting.

I though I'd give my heel a chance to heal up so I went with the less-strenuous yoga option for my exercise.  It was rather nice and calming, but I suspect I would have gotten even more inner-peace out of the experience if I was not listening to the constant barking of three big dogs ("Let us in!  Let us in!  Let us in!") while enduring the loving head-butts from Oscar.  It's hard to do downward facing dog with a cat in your face!

I can't believe we're almost to the end of the challenge!

Cuppy Is At It Again!

Another day, another insane "Super Awesometacular Giveaway of Happy" over on Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others!  I kinda hate to put it out there and decrease my chances, but what can I say?  I'm a giver.....(and hopefully a receiver!)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Why do they make fat lady pants with the button and zipper on the side?  Don't they know that fat ladies may not be sufficiently bendy and twisty enough to maneuver that way?

Why did the old guy talk the irritating blonde woman out of getting vaporized at the CDC in Atlanta in The Walking Dead's last episode?  Shad and I cheered when she announced that she was going to "go down with the ship" so to say and groaned when he ended up talking her into leaving.

Why does it seem like the busier I get the more work people want to pile on me?  There have been (rare) times when I get all caught up and actually go around soliciting for things to do, but now isn't one of those times.  Could you just give me a day or two with no distractions to dig myself out of this hole?

Why am I so whiney?  I don't know.  I'll get better.  Perhaps some yoga this evening would help!

One A Day - December 7

In honor of my mom's birthday, one pissed off sock monkey!

The {21} Challenge - Day {17}

The day started out strong.  Up early, I jumped on the treadmill and put in my 30 minutes, only to find when I took my socks off that I had bled completely through my sock into my shoe on my right heel.  It's definitely time to find some new kicks - I've had this pair for at least 3-4 years and they're falling apart.  You might ask yourself, "Self, Susan is a girl, right?  Why doesn't she do what all women love to do and go shoe shopping?"  Shut yourself up, that's what, because of all retail shopping that I hate shoe shopping tops the list.  Wanna know why?

Flinstone Feet

The term "Flinstone Feet" was originally coined by a family friend (or at least that is the first time I had heard it) but I have stolen it for my own use.  What better describes my flat, wide, archless feet?  My feet are so jacked up that I went to a podiatrist a couple of years ago and got orthotics.

Nothing says "You're getting old" like orthotics, right?  Anyway, the podiatrist told me that when he looked at the x-ray of the top of my feet and then looked at the x-ray of the side of my feet he thought he had to have mislabeled one, because the problems that were revealed in one x-ray were never found at the same time as the problems in the other.  Joy!

I did fairly well with eating during the day, but come along 9:30 p.m. or so it seemed like my appetite exploded.  Caramel corn (from the Boy Scouts - delish!), some cheddar rice cakes and an apple were consumed in short order.  Crap.  I guess no one said it was going to be easy....we just have to stay strong and soldier on, right?

The {21} Challenge - Day {16}


My RWARing on Day {15} must have taken too much out of me, because I was all tapped out on Day {16}.  I gave myself a day off of the treadmill and, although I generally abided by my plans for more responsbile eating, I probably indulged a little more that I have been as of late.  I felt crappy (which is no excuse) and wobbled off path a bit.  Nothing we can't overcome, right? 

This quote seems relevant to me right now.  By changing my attitudes re: exercise and healthy eating from something that I'm doing to myself to something that I'm doing for myself, I'm indulging myself (which I love to do!) by doing these wonderful things that will help me feel better in the long run.  

One A Day - December 6

Vintage Christmas ornament rescued by my mom from her neighbor

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Making Good On My Bribe

As you may remember, as a part of my quest to get into better shape via The {21} Challenge I have resorted to self-bribery - five days on the treadmill equals one new Kindle book.  This morning was the fifth of five days, so I have purchased my first "bribed" book.

Drumroll please!


Best New Zombie Tales (Vol. 1)

Come on, you knew it was gonna be a zombie book, right?!?!?!?

One A Day - December 5

We started putting out Christmas decorations today

One A Day - December 4

Found this awesome pipe-cleaner ornament on a Christmas tree at a high school

The {21} Challenge - Day {15}


I am so feeling this!  Got up this morning after a {very} short night ready and "rwar"ing to go, so I put some new songs on my MP3 player and hit the treadmill.  I finished one of the pre-set programs that I couldn't do less than two weeks ago and I feel like I have energy to spare.  Today I say, "Bring it on!"

So yesterday I promised to share some of my favorite workout tunes.  Like I said, there are probably some lyrics that little ears need not hear, so for Pete's sake don't go clicking on links and blasting tunes throughout the house!

In no particular order:
                             My Chick Bad - Ludacris
                             Imma Be - Black Eyed Peas
                             Ms. New Booty - Bubba Sparxxx
                             Hypnotize - Biggie Smalls
                             Thunderkiss '65 - White Zombie
                             Stronger - Kanye West
                             Come on Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runners
                             I Can Transform Ya - Chris Brown
                             Just Lose It - Eminem
                             Rockstar - Nickleback  (LOVE this video too!)
                             Gives You Hell - All American Rejects
                             Walk - Pantera
                             Heretic Anthem - Slipknot (we've seen these guys in concert - awesome!)
                             When Worlds Collide - Powerman 5000
                             Piece of Me - Brittany Spears
                             Semi-Charmed Life - Third Eye Blind
                             Remember the Name by Fort Minor

Of course you need something a little tamer for cooling down, so here are some of my favorites, again in no particular order:
                             Live Beside the Ocean - Everclear
                             I'm Awesome - Spose
                             Fire and Rain - James Taylor
                             Ain't No Rest for the Wicked - Cage the Elephant

As you've probably guessed, my MP3 player is an interesting place to be......

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The {21} Challenge - Day {14}

Two weeks in and it's going well.  I was on the treadmill again this morning and I was happy to see that some of my stamina is coming back.  Shad moved the treadmill to the basement as part of our "convert the basement into usable space" project, so today was the first day that I was below-ground for my workout.   It was nice to be downstairs where I knew that the noise wouldn't bother people as much and the concrete floor felt a lot sturdier under the treadmill than the floor in the computer room.  More good news - 4 out of 5 workouts completed towards my new ebook!  I've been trying to keep myself from getting back on for another round this afternoon, but I probably shouldn't count two workouts in one day, right?

I'm thinking that tomorrow I'll share some of my favorite workout songs with you.  Be forewarned, the music that I workout with is not "G" rated.  Some of it would be a stretch to be called "PG-13."  You might be surprised when you see what gets me motivated......

The {21} Challenge - Day {13}

I have discovered that I like hitting the treadmill in the morning.  I seem to have more energy and I recently read (somewhere - don't ask me for a source!) that you actually increase your metabolism more when you work out on an empty stomach, thus increasing your benefits.  Better benefits for the same work?  Sign me up!

I had a regular check-up at the doctor today and found that I've lost four pounds since the last time I was in.  That's been a couple of months ago and, since I know that I was still packing the pounds on before I started this challenge, I have to assume that I've really lost more like 8-10 pounds.  I feel better.  Clothes are fitting better.  I'm proud of myself!

Step next is to peel the wrapper off my Jillian Michael's Shred video and get going.  I hear it's tough (like, end up in a ball on the floor crying tough) but I think I'm mentally ready to give it a go.  As per Day {13}'s quote, you gotta amp up the effort if you want to see amped up results!

One A Day - December 3

See why we don't let him sleep with us?

**I know that I used a picture of Clyde just a day or two ago, but I really, really thought that I had screwed up and not taken a picture for this post.  Then I remembered that Clyde was on our bed - don't judge me by the fact that my bed is not made - so I snapped a couple of pictures of him before shooing him off.  I'll do better!**