Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The {21} Challenge - Day {17}

The day started out strong.  Up early, I jumped on the treadmill and put in my 30 minutes, only to find when I took my socks off that I had bled completely through my sock into my shoe on my right heel.  It's definitely time to find some new kicks - I've had this pair for at least 3-4 years and they're falling apart.  You might ask yourself, "Self, Susan is a girl, right?  Why doesn't she do what all women love to do and go shoe shopping?"  Shut yourself up, that's what, because of all retail shopping that I hate shoe shopping tops the list.  Wanna know why?

Flinstone Feet

The term "Flinstone Feet" was originally coined by a family friend (or at least that is the first time I had heard it) but I have stolen it for my own use.  What better describes my flat, wide, archless feet?  My feet are so jacked up that I went to a podiatrist a couple of years ago and got orthotics.

Nothing says "You're getting old" like orthotics, right?  Anyway, the podiatrist told me that when he looked at the x-ray of the top of my feet and then looked at the x-ray of the side of my feet he thought he had to have mislabeled one, because the problems that were revealed in one x-ray were never found at the same time as the problems in the other.  Joy!

I did fairly well with eating during the day, but come along 9:30 p.m. or so it seemed like my appetite exploded.  Caramel corn (from the Boy Scouts - delish!), some cheddar rice cakes and an apple were consumed in short order.  Crap.  I guess no one said it was going to be easy....we just have to stay strong and soldier on, right?

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