Saturday, February 11, 2012

Introducing Bill

Hi all.  Okay, let's be real here.....Hi to the three of you that might notice that my blog is up and running again!

So where did I leave off?  Oh yeah, something like a year ago or so.  Let's see.  Since then I've done some stuff, been some places and seen some things.  I've had to venture out into public more than once (and I think we all know how I feel about that) but I survived, so there's something. 

My absolute favorite addition in the last year has been my 2001 Jeep Wrangler, whom I have very affectionately named Bill.  Well, his formal name is actually  pronounced Beel, with a really cheesy Mexican accent, but people look at me oddly enough what with the naming of my transportation and all and I find when you throw in the accent the looks go from mild amusement to what appears to be somewhat serious concerns for my mental health.  I know (and depending on who you are, you may know) that my mental health is not in question - it's gone - but probably the average Joe on the street doesn't need to know too.  It's all about the mask, folks.

Without further ado, here's my boy!


Okay, normally he doesn't sport the jaunty orange flag and he's recently undergone some really cool modifications, but that's Bill as he was a few months ago.  I chose this picture because it shows Bill with his one true love - mud.  How do I know that Bill is a pig at heart?

And now you know what I know - that Bill, given his druthers, would rather be up to his axles in mud that just about anywhere else.  I say "just about" because I know that they allow vehicles on the sand at Daytona Beach and I have to assume that Bill wouldn't object to being a beach Jeep.  I would at least be willing to give him a go at it, anyway.

More Bill later.  More stuff later, including pictures, rambling, etc. - all of the stuff that you've come to expect from me and/or all the stuff that you've learned to put up with from me.  Later!

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